Podiatry services in Palma de Mallorca
Antonio Brines Ballester | Manager
When I decided to study chiropody some thirty years ago, I never imagined the challenge of being able to diagnose and treat a part of the body, in this case its base, from a holistic point of view.
To think about the foot as part of a complex system which is completely interconnected and in a constant process of change and adaptation to its surroundings has changed and enriched my way of looking at life.
My role as a professional is to observe the individual universe of each person starting from his feet, accompanying them on their journey, sharing with them what I see or what we discover together, in order for them to regain balance, health and ease of movement.
- Degree in Chiropody, University of Barcelona. 1991.
- Postgraduate Degree in Biomechanical & Orthopaedic Functions of the Foot, University of Barcelona.
- Paediatric Chiropody Studies, University of Barcelona.
- Diabetic Foot Studies, University of Barcelona and COPOIB.
- Posturology Studies, Barcelona and Seville.
- Dermatoscopy Training, COPOIB.
- Evaluation applied to the Lower Limb, Cos Global, Pedro Rubio.
- Training in Foot Reflexology, Hanne Marquardt School, Barcelona.
- Holistic Coaching, Munich, Germany.
- Rolfing, Diafreotherapy and Structural Integration such as Homeopathy and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).
Maria Antònia Cerdán Crespí | Paediatric Chiropodist. Expert in Biomechanical and Orthophaedic Functions of the Foot
Becoming a chiropodist was not originally the plan. When I was 18, I decided to study physiotherapy and never dreamed I would be working in such a fascinating world.
It was only upon completing my first degree and starting to work that my desire to keep learning professionally and widen my knowledge launched me on to my second degree in chiropody. Twelve years later, I can say that this work is truly my vocation. Since then, I have continued studying to understand how the foot is part of the whole and from this perspective, how we can contribute to improving our health and well-being and the quality of other peoples’ lives.
- Degree in Chiropody, University of Barcelona. 2011.
- Degree in Physiotherapy, University of Vic.
- Postgraduate Degree in Sport Physiotherapy, University School of Gimbernat.
- Postgraduate degree in Treatments & Surgical Principles, University of Barcelona.
- Master’s Degree in Paediatric Chiropody, University of Barcelona
Diabetic Foot Studies, COPOIB. - Dermatoscopy Training, COPOIB.
- Pharmacology Studies, COPOIB.
- Chiropody for Children with Roberto Pascual, Murcia & Barcelona.
- Evaluation applied to the Lower Limb, Cos Global, Pedro Rubio.